Rec League:
Rec Softball is played during the Spring and is a fun, team building opportunity for all experience levels. There are no residency requirements and all are welcome to play. Games are played against other local rec teams, usually on weeknights. Sign ups begin in late winter and run through early spring. We offer Rec Ball teams for the following age groups: 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U and 14U
Hit Queens:
Our Hit Queens teams are Select teams established to play in a more competitive environment. Players must try out during the Fall and be selected to be part of a Hit Queens team. Practices start during the winter months for Spring weekend play around the Cincinnati area. Players must be part of a WSLL Rec team to participate in Hit Queens. There are no residency requirements to play with the Hit Queens. Hit Queens teams are established based on interest, however the typical age groups are 10U, 12U, & 14U
All Stars:
Our All Stars teams are Elite teams that play during the Summer months. Players must try out during the Spring season and be selected for the team. For All Stars, players must meet the criteria established by Little League's residency and school attendance eligibility requirements. For 8U and 10U teams, tournaments will culminate at the State Level (based on progression). For 12U and 14U teams, play will culminate at the Little League World Series Tournament (based on progression).
Fall Ball:
Fall Ball is offered to keep the girls playing Softball through the Fall if they choose. It's a fun and relaxed way to keep skills fresh and stay connected to the team. Games are played against other local Fall Ball teams, usually on the weekends. There are no residency requirements to play Fall Ball. Fall Ball teams are established based on interest and are typically formed for 8U, 10U, 12U, and 14U players.
Age Groups: The age determination date for Little League Softball is the actual age of the child on December 31st of the year before the season starts.
6U: 4-5 years old (developmental) These children will play co-ed Tee-Ball.
8U: 6-8 years old (coach pitch) AKA Coach Pitch
10U: 9-10 years old (kid pitch) AKA Minor League
12U: 11-12 years old (kid pitch) AKA Major League
14U: 13-14 years old (kid pitch) AKA Junior League