Where: TBD
When: Saturday, March 8th, 2025
What to bring: Glove, Bat, gym shoes, proof of residency & birth certificate if not sent in via email
Time Slots by age group:
8U: 2:00pm to 2:45pm
10U: 2:45pm to 3:30pm
12U: 3:30pm to 4:15pm
14U: 4:15pm to 5:00pm
6Us are not required to be evaluated.
***Skilled players may play up into the next age group***
***The age determination for Little League Softball is the actual age of the child on December 31st of the year before the season starts***
6U: 5-6 years old (developmental)
8U: 7-8 years old (coach pitch)
10U: 9-10 years old (kid pitch)
12U: 11-12 years old (kid pitch)
14U: 13-14 years old (kid pitch)